Ofuku-mochi is a Japanese confection produced and sold by Ofukumochi-honke in Ise, Mie prefecture. Ofuku-mochi is made of sweet red bean paste and mochi; rice cake. Ofukumochi-honke was established in 1738 and it is selling Ofuku-mochi since its founding.
It looks very similar to Akafuku-mochi, which is also a confection sold by Akafuku located in Ise. Although Ofukumochi-honke and Akafuku have their flagship stores in Ise, Ofukumochi-honke is located near to Meoto Iwa married couple rocks at Futamiura beach and Akafuku is located near to another tourist destination in Ise, Ise jingu shrine. Therefore Ofuku-mochi is targeting tourists who visit Meoto Iwa but Akafuku-mochi is targeting worshipers visiting Ise jingu shrine.
However, truly to say, Akafuku-mochi is much more widely known to Japanese than Ofuku-mochi especially outside of Ise. When buying Ofuku-mochi or Akafuku-mochi, do not be mixed up with each other. Their packages look quite similar. Then, the big difference between two mochi is that Ofuku-mochi can be kept for 7 days, on the other hand Akafuku-mochi can be kept just 2-3 days.