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Limited express Laview at Kotesashi station

Laview is a new train which debuted this month and will replace the older train NRA, New Red Arrow for limited express running on Seibu railway.

Seibu railway is a private railway company which operates in Tokyo and Saitama prefecture. Seibu has two main lines, Ikebukuro line and Shinjuku line. Then, both are running to two major tourist destinations in Saitama prefecture, Chichibu and Kawagoe. Chichibu is located in the north west edge of Saitama, where Chichibu Night festival is listed on the UNESCO's World heritage and Kawagoe is a city over 350000 but has a historical city center.

Actually Laview is not the name of the limited express as like Hikari or Thunderbird. Limited expresses of Seibu have distinguished names according to the destination. The limited express train running to Seibu-Chichibu is called limited express Chichibu, Hanno is limited express Musashi and Hon-Kawagoe is Koedo. Musashi is the former name of the province and Koedo means small Kyoto.

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