One of the things which I like in Japan is that public toilets, lavatories, restrooms are everywhere and mostly are free. Lavatories are located at stations, usually inside the ticket gates and you can use them for free. Also shopping centers, departments stores and even convenience stores which are open 24 hours are equipped with restrooms.
It is quite hard to find the public toilets in Europe. In Prague, you have to pay for using the toilets even you have a ticket at Prague castle or proper valid train tickets at stations. On the otherhand, te restrooms are relatively modern and clean in Japan. Then, there are now equipped with electric bidet too.
Electric bidet, which is commonly known in Japan as Washlet(trademark of Toto) is one of the most popular electronic devices in Japan, which nearly 80% of the private residences are seems to be equipped with the Washlet or the electric bidets produced by other Japanese manufactures.
The photo is a public toilet in Tomonoura, Fukuyama city, Hiroshima prefecture. Sometimes the public toilets are individual buildings and built to match the environment.