Kawagoe is a city in Saitama prefecture. Now it is a part of Tokyo metropolitan area and many inhabitants commute to Tokyo but used to be a historical castle town. Although there is no castle anymore but you can enjoy the well preserved historical city center which is a day trip from Tokyo.
The city can be reached by JR(Kawagoe line), Tobu(Tojo line) and Seibu(Shinjuku line). JR uses Kawagoe station, Tobu has Kawagoe station and Kawagoe-shi station and Seibu has Hon-Kawagoe station. If you have JR pass, you can take a rapid train from Shibuya, Shinjuku or Ikebukuro to Kawagoe by JR Saikyo line which rapid trains continue to Kawagoe. In case you do not have JR pass, better to take Tobu Tojo line to Kawagoe or Kawagoe-shi stations from Ikebukuro. On the other hand, if you are staying in the western part of Tokyo in Tama district, you can take Seibu Kokubunji line from Kokubunji station on JR Chuo line and change at Higashimurayama station to Shinjuku line. There is a direct train from Kokubunji to Kawagoe each hour during the day.
The photo is a building of Saitama Resona bank's Kawagoe branch. This branch is located at the historical center but unfortunately not open for tourists.