Hanno is a city in the south west Saitama prefecture. Its population is around 80000 and main industry is forestry since middle age. Also silk farming, cultivation of silk worms to produce silk was a main economical income for the inhabitants in the past. Silk was the main exporting products for Japanese till World War II.
Hanno is now a place for hiking in Japan. Ministry of Environment has selected Hanno city as the model place for Ecotourism in 2004. Then the city has declared itself as Forest Cultural City in 2005.
Hanno can be reached by Seibu Ikebukuro line(Hanno station/Higashi Hanno station) or JR Hachiko line(HIgashi Hanno station). The main station is Hanno station. If you are traveling from Kawagoe, take JR Kawagoe line. Then, the train continues to Hachiko line after Komagawa station.
If you are traveling from Chichibu, take local train or limited express Chichibu from Seibu Chichibu.
By the way, the first cesarean section in Japan was done in Hanno in 1852. Unfortunately the fetus has died but the mother lived till age of 88. The operation was carried out by two local doctors in Hanno.